• The time of this festival
The festival is celebrated on the ninth day of the ninth lunar month.
  • The cultural background
It has the history more than 1500 years. According the traditional YIN&YANG Dichotomy, YIN represents the elements of darkness and negative, while YANG brightness and positive. In China, the number ‘9′ is regarded as YANG, so the ninth day of the ninth month is the double YANG’s day.
  • Custom of this festival
In addition, the ninth month also heralds the approach of winter; it is the right time to prepare the warm clothes for winter. Hence, the younger generations extend their consideration to their elders and miss to the ancestors in this day.
Climbing mountain as well as appreciating chrysanthemums, drinking chrysanthemum wine and eating Double Ninth cake is another custom of the festival. As the Autumn is such a agreeable season, Chinese people often take the chance to appreciate the natural beauty and gather with other family members.