About Us

November 28, 2010 Leave a comment

Our website is providing general information about Chinese cultural. The information we posted on our website is not only important for those who want to do investment in china, also to everybody who has interests of going to China, who want to know a little about Chinese cultural before their visits, so they will not be clumsy once they meet so called “cultural conflict” and “cultural- gap”.

Mission statement

Our firm is providing different levels of cultural courses in order to suits different needs. Our website is providing a general entry level of Chinese culture, we suggest everybody who is going to either visit China or wants to do investment in China or even someone just have some interest of understanding Chinese cultural should all take a look and pay some attention to our website. The information we provided on our website are basic Chinese cultures and the way we styled our website is organized and clear. We are not only teaching foreigners about Do and Don’t, we are also providing the background information with clear, short, easy to understand and suits for western reading style.

Possible Impacts of what our cultural consultant program could do for your business.

  1. In the global marketplace, knowledge and skills not only mean power, it can also mean survival. Understanding the need for cultural awareness and sensitivity is just the ante to get into the game of global business.  How well you play depends upon your level of cultural understanding.
  2. It is estimated that more than half of all international joint ventures fail within two or three years.  The reason most often given is cultural myopia and lack of cultural competency – not the lack of technical or professional expertise.
  3. Developing global cultural competency is one of the most challenging aspects of working globally. Managing the myriad work and management styles that companies face across geographies, businesses, functions and projects can be daunting. What is effective in one culture may be ineffective, or even inappropriate, in other cultures.
  4. Our Cultural Consultant program recognizes that for cross-cultural training, coaching and consulting to be effective as an enhancement to an organization it must deal with several complexities in the learning process. Employees must be able to apply new learning in the performance of their assignments, and be able to observe and make the appropriate behavioral adjustments when cross cultural issues become important to their productivity or the effectiveness of the organization as a whole.
  5. Customizing the learning experience is the most effective way to address specific issues and objectives and maximize the impact cultural competency can have on the company’s bottom line. In today’s global marketplace, being culturally savvy is no longer just “nice to have” but essential for building and maintaining a competitive global advantage. The “one size fits all, off the shelf approach” is not effective.

Further help with our firm

If you found the general culture information we provided on our website are useful and you also want to get to know more about some Chinese cultures specially at your future investment area. Our firm is providing the best and the most convenient learning environment for foreigners who are going to doing investment in China world widely at an affordable price. Our classes and learning materials are flexible, lessons could be based on special business area that Canadian investors wants to invest, or it could be some basic Chinese culture lessons which focus on the general needs of our customers. Our firm always suits the needs of investors, our past learners considered our firm as effective and enjoyable based on their learning experience in our classes both online and school.

About us

Due to the fast development of Chinese economy and the improvements of the relationships between China and Canada, based on last year’s statistic the foreign direct investment from Canada to China was up to 3.3 billion. So China is really becoming a Canadian investors’ favorite place. Our firm is making cultural consultant to the Canadian business investors who want to invest in China. As we all know, Chinese culture is something could be intimidating to many first-time investors, and if you know a little bit about Chinese people, they are a group who put their national culture as first priority, as foreign investors we really don’t want our chances below away because of something you could be prepared and be good at, so our firm is providing you this opportunity to explore Chinese culture either the field you are going to invest in or the general field of business culture.

So how can a Canadian business firm successfully adapt Chinese culture in order to maximize their profit? Our company suggestion and our past Canadian-Chinese-culture-learners are all strongly agree that taking culture courses before you doing investment could be extremely helpful.

We have helped following companies:

  • Nike
  • Microsoft
  • Coca cola
  • Apple
  • Sony
  • Nivea
  • Mr. big
  • RealCanadian
  • Biotherm
  • Walmart
  • KFC
  • Metro

Our firm also proudly supported by CCBC, the Canada China Business Council. CCBC is a private, none for profit organization shows the increasing business relationship between China and Canada, and currently they are over 300 member companies between Canada and China. In each month, CCBC is arranging their member to take culture lessons at our company. They realized that understanding of the local culture could help Canadian investors broaden their Chinese investment market and maximize their profits.

want to get more help from CCBC please click visit,

Our website also proudly supported by China Cultural for more information pleaso click.

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